The Greenway is New Orleans’ premier example of post-Katrina sustainable stormwater management known as “Green Infrastructure”  that allow us to live with water. Enjoy spotting these features on the Greenway.




Since its opening in 2015, 500+ have been planted on the Greenway. A new tree consumes only a few gallons fo water per day, but a mature cypress or live oak can consume 880 - 1,000 gallons of water per day. 

The Greenway features live oaks, bald cypresses, southern magnolias, and pecan trees. Support the growth of these trees! 



One of the highest impact stormwater management features of the Greenway is hiding in plain sight - the bioswales. Bioswales are tracts of land, planted with native, hydrophilic plants, designed to hold water that will eventually be slowly released back into the landscape. By temporarily storing water, the bioswales help prevent flooding and subsidence. The Greenway can hold up to 1.45 million gallons of water above ground; that's more than two Olympic-sized swimming pools! 



Permeable Pavement

The Greenway's permeable walkways, light-gray in color, also contribute to its stormwater management capacity. While water pools on the surface of ordinary pavement, permeable pavement allows it to pass through. 


Bio-Retention Cells

Bioretention cells are small areas of land near storm drains that are designed to store, divert, and delay water from entering the drainage system. While most storm drains are covered by pavement and direct water from the street to the drainage system, bioretention cells, planted with tall hydrophilic plants, slow the drainage of the water and ease on the storm drain in heavy rainfall events. 




Watch this video from our friends Dana Brown and associates about how water interacts with our city.

Learn more about how the Greenway fits into the city's largest water plan