Thank you for your support of the 6th Annual Greenway Soirée on Friday, October 5th, 2018! Your gift helps the Greenway thrive.
Event Sponsorship
Our Annual Sponsorship Packages allow you to support the Greenway you love all year long, and be recognized for your support at the Greenway Soirée. Sponsorship of the Soirée is included at our Trailblazer, Champion, and Visionary levels. To be recognized on the print materials for this year's Greenway Soirée, make your pledge by Friday, August 10th. Visit our Sponsorship page for more information.
Questions? Contact Sophie Harris Vorhoff, Executive Director at [email protected] or 504.702.6777
Small Plate Sponsorship
The Greenway Soirée features a wide variety of New Orleans' favorite eateries. Small Plate Sponsors supply 200 small plates for our guests to enjoy, and are recognized in event marketing materials, including press releases, print marketing materials, event webpage and Facebook event page, and posts to social media pages. For more information, or to make a donation, fill out our Small Plates Sponsorship Form, and our team will reach out to you directly.
Questions? Contact Nellie Catzen at [email protected] or 504.702.6778
Auction Donation
Soirée guests will have the chance to bid in both silent and live auctions. Auction donors are recognized in event marketing materials, including event webpage and Facebook event page, and posts to social media pages. Have a great auction item to contribute? Fill out our Auction Donor Form, and our team will reach out to you directly.
Questions? Contact Nellie Catzen at [email protected] or 504.702.6778
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