June 24, 2020 at 6:00pm
1 hr
Greenway Great Lawn approx. 2101 St. Louis St.
2101 St Louis St, New Orleans, LA 70112, United States
This class is free, all-levels and beginner friendly. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have new safety procedures that adhere to State and City reopening guidance.
RSVP Below to make sign-in a breeze!
- Know whether to come out: Stay home if you’re sick, vulnerable to infection or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
- Bring your own mat or towel, and water. To reduce exposure to illnesses, we will not provide mats to borrow, or a shared water cooler.
- Wear a mask. All participants will be required to wear a mask or face covering when arriving, signing in, and departing from class.
- Be Prepared for a Longer Sign- In Process & Symptom Screening: When you arrive at class, go directly to the field and set up your mat at one of the designated spaces. Staff or a volunteer will come by to take your temperature and sign you in. Those with a temperature over 100.4 degrees fahrenheit on two contactless readings will not be allowed to participate.
- Spread out: The field is pre-marked with designated spaces to put your mat; spaced at a distance of 10 feet between participants. Please be aware of your personal surroundings as you get to class and as you leave, to ensure you keep a safe distance from others.
- Pre-register below and arrive early to make sign-in a breeze!
We all have a role in keeping our community safe! Anyone who does not adhere to safety protocols will be asked to leave.
RAIN INFO: This class is canceled in the event of heavy rain or inclement weather. Check back here for cancellation information.
Thanks to our sponsors:
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