Dozens of community members turned out over the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend to finish a community-based art project on the Lafitte Greenway.

Friends of Lafitte Greenway hosted two volunteer sessions over the weekend to varnish the new murals on the Lemann Pool located at 536 N. Prieur. Volunteers put about four coats of varnish over the student-led murals, which surround the pool in bright colors and designs.

Keith Duncan, lead artist, said the community’s interest in his creation “is a good feeling.” The murals are the product of a 6-week dialogue and youth engagement effort spearheaded by the Young Artists Movement (YAM), Welcome Table New Orleans Mid-City Circle and Prospect New Orleans. Last year, residents met several times to discuss racial reconciliation and that dialogue resulted in a five-wall youth-designed mural by Duncan.

Source: Mid-City Messenger

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Mid-City Messenger


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