Mid-City residents living along the Lafitte Greenway got a preview of what changes could be in store for an old, dilapidated brake tag station near Lafitte Avenue and North Lopez Street. City officials are kicking around designs to turn the brake tag station into an open-air, multi-use pavilion space - though plans for what the building will ultimately be haven't been set in stone yet.
At a meeting held Wednesday evening (Aug. 23), architects with the firm Spackman Mossop and Michaels pitched their preliminary design that would mostly keep the shell of the brake tag station intact. Changes to the roughly 12,000 square-foot structure would include outfitting one side of the building with "rolling"-style doors, putting in new public restrooms, rebuilding the flat roof, installing new skylights, electrical and plumbing utilities, and laying a wooden deck across the "bioswale" lying between the building and the greenway's walking path.
Source: NOLA.com
Full Article: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/08/lafitte_greenway_brake_tag_sta.html