BROAD + WATER is a creative place-making project of the Arts Council of New Orleans and Broad Community Connections that will contribute to the city's conversation about living with water through a public art installation at the intersection of Broad Street and the Lafitte Greenway.
On March 11, 2015, the Arts Council and Broad Community Connections issued a call to artists, requesting proposals for an artistic installation/sculpture framed around New Orleans' water challenges.
Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the City of New Orleans Percent for Art, this $40,000 project seeks to advance the public's understanding of New Orleans' water infrastructure at a key node:
The artwork will be located at the intersection of Broad Street and the Lafitte Greenway providing an optimal location for visibility along a major “backstreet” corridor. The location is adjacent to Sewerage and Water Board Drainage Pumping Station #2/St. Louis Street, and has the ability to reference the Victorian-era pump house as well as the water flowing underfoot....
...[T]he Lafitte Corridor is being reimagined not only as a 3.1-mile linear Greenway that will anchor the revitalization of the corridor connecting the French Quarter and the Tremé to Bayou St. John and City Park, but also as a Blueway that will pioneer strategies for reordering how New Orleans lives with water creating a functional, beautiful amenity that make the neighborhoods along the Greenway more resilient and more livable.
Deadline: May 11, 2015
For full project details, visit the Arts Council's website here.
Click here for the full Request for Proposals
BROAD + WATER is one of two Arts Council of New Orleans public art installations planned for the Lafitte Greenway on the theme of living with water. Click here for information on the Civic Design Art Pitch project on the Greenway at Jefferson Davis Parkway.
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