
(photo from

The New Orleans bike share program will be launching this winter. The first 70 stations will roll out over the course of 4-6 weeks beginning in December; out of those intial 70 stations five will be along the Greenway. The locations along the greeenway are N. Carrolton, N. Jefferson Davis, N.Galvez, N. Roman, and Basin St. Click here to access an interactive map of all the bike share stations. 

This video shows how the bike share program works.

So far pricing for the bike share program will be as follows:

  • Monthly Pass: $15 for unlimited trips up to 1 hour of riding a day (hourly rate thereafter).You can take as many trips as desired that all together add up to 60 mintues. For example: a 15 minute ride to work in the morning; a 5 minute ride for lunch; a 30 minute ride home with a quick stop to pick up some food = 50 minutes for the day
  • Low-Income Pass: $1.67 per month ($20 per year) for unlimited trips up to 1 hour of riding a day (hourly rate thereafter)
  • Pay-as-you-go: $8 per hour of riding (pro-rated)

More information and FAQ about bike share can be found here.